Start your own Running Stars Location

First things first, is you have to be keen and ready for it. It will take time and effort, but we will be here to help you with the process as much as we can.

This page should give you an idea of the main things which are needed to start a new event.

In broad terms, we would like the event setup in a popular location which is easy to access

Location, Location, Location

Yes, just like buying a new property the location of the event and the course will be a key part of if the event will be successful or not.

In order what you are looking for in a location is:

  • 2.5km Course (Loop, out and back)
  • Preferring Parks, Bushland over urban/concrete.
  • Not too busy location on Sunday mornings
  • Carparking and Public Transport Access
  • Toilets close by
  • Cafe close by (open on Sunday mornings)
  • Public defibrator
  • Close to population
  • Not too hilly
  • Two way access (avoid single width trails)


Once you have picked your location and course based on the like to haves above, then it is a matter of contacting the land owners for permission to use the land.

In general since we are running a Not-for-Profit event we should be able to ask for fee free use of the land, but in some circumstances we might need to budget for a small annual fee.

This stage we have some experience here with what the steps are and how to approach the land holders.

Mostly the land holders will be the Council, National Parks or Land Trusts.


If you are starting as a member of a club or group already, you are probably going to be able to get the regular helpers from your existing group/club to get you going.

Once the event has started and is known to locals you will then hopefully bring more volunteers out to help you.

We remember saying yes to help whenever asked, as it will expand your pool of options when you are looking to fill gaps in the schedule.

For a brand new small Running Stars event, it can literally be run by 1 volunteer, but it isn’t something that is a good long term option.


Event though we don’t charge runners to run at Running Stars, there is still a cost to run the show.

The main costs are:

  • Insurance
  • Park Use Fees
  • Star Card Costs

A location sponsor, regular donations and merchandise sponsors are some of the ways we try to cover these costs.

A location sponsor could be an RSL or other venue or business who is interesting in helping the event running to some benefit for themselves. Maybe the venue where you have breakfast each week, or a business who is interesting to advertising to our members.


If all this seems good, and you are ready to put your location into live location, then best to send us an email at